Monday 28 January 2008

things needed urgent attention

1. CVs from all of us. We are invisible but our CVs need to be visible now...
2. Dates for the show
3. PR

please lets work on this...

Ps.... elle great show..!!!

Monday 21 January 2008

Roles and Responsibilities

Some ideas....

- Team Leader
- PR and promotion (to some extent this is everyone but we need someone to actually phone people up / email people and stuff)
- Web page design and upkeep
- Someone to look after the budget (if we end up having one)

Please add to the thread with anything else you can think of...

Friday 18 January 2008

Shiny shiny shiny show

I had a couple of ideas for publicising our shinyshinyshinyshow (that's a pet name I have for it).
The first one is to hire a van and drive around London with the outside covered in advertising for it. The second is to don fancy dress and hand out flyers in Trafalgar square.
My thinking is along the lines of: a van would let us cover a lot of places, and if the advertising we made was really, really individual, if we put a good day's work into it, I think it could compell people into following it up. As for the latter proposal, well I'd definately take a flyer from a person dressed in a gorilla suit. Wouldn't you? I mean, marks for sheer effort and chutzpah. And I think that I'd look up the flyer as well.
The other good thing to mention is that: the van idea would be prepation + time spent driving, and the Trafalgar Square idea would be flyer preparation + time in square. Both should be fairly snappy, and time efficient. The other thing about Trafalgar Sq, is that people drift there from everywhere- Londoners and many, many tourists. I think tourists will be in a better mood to humour us and look up the site.
Ta Da!
By the way, I am willing to get dressed up in a gorilla suit or whatever.

Wednesday 16 January 2008

The Plan

Fellow transparent people,

Finally some notes on the outcomes of our meeting last Tuesday:

Generally I think we decided that we're going to continue to use this blog as a cosy thing between us to document the development of the project and share ideas, and then work towards something a bit more professional that we will 'launch' as it were on a given date, using typepad rather than blogger so that we get a proper URL, more design features etc etc.

So, given that this is the plan the whole thing probably breaks down into four bits:

1. We decide on who does what, the overall concept and broadly speaking how we will promote the thing. (Done by our tutorial this Friday)

2. We work on the detailed design bits – the look of the website, planning to some extent what promotional activities, shows, interventions and events that we will be doing and when. This will all go into the ‘proposal document’ that we have to get done I should think (Done by end of term)

3. We build the blog, including all the links, content etc. that we would want to be on there when someone from the big wide world comes to look at it. (done by 1st half of next term)

4. We ‘launch’ the blog and execute the aforementioned plans for events and promotions. (Undertaken over 2nd half of next term so that we can somehow gauge how we think it went when we come to present the thing).

I also said I would start a thread on roles and responsibilities which I shall do now…

Tuesday 15 January 2008

invading tescos...

im currently turning packaging such as cereal boxes inside out and putting them back together,
(quite enjoying this action!)

aswell as hijacking an isle of local supermarket for an "exhibition of boxes and drawings
ive decided im going to start putting these blank boxes in tescos all over london( down with tescos!)
so the only thing i'll write on it in small letters somewhere is "the invisible show"
i'll have to be really militant with it though-if im going to do it i'll have to do it properly
and if i do it enough..who knows it could get some attention,
and so act as one of our tactics for promotion for our little collective!

Sunday 13 January 2008

Check It Out....

Somebody checked out our humble blog all the way from the US of A!

Friday 11 January 2008

so true.. don't you think so?

Czech dream

Have you seen 'Czech Dream'? It's a documentary made by some film students commenting on the rise of commercialism in Czech. The film makers successfully promoted a non-existent Hypermart. (4000 people turned up to the opening of the 'Hypermart').

The film may primarily be satire about the dramatic political/social/economic change in Czech, but it made me re-think promotion. Promotion that isn't about many people turn up to a 'non-existent Hypermart'. But more subtly starting something which has a slow-burn effect rather than an immediate bombastic one. Something that may take time (and does not adhere to the PPD university due dates), is well considered, has a body of work to support it and ultimately has longevity and creative integrity. Like this blog?

Thursday 10 January 2008

proposal...(I would love to hand this in dont think it'd go down to well though!)

I propose that the piece is about nothing and everything and yet,

I propose not to attempt to explain in mere words an idea beyond words, a convergence

of the metaphysical and the physical that through simulacra is passed from

my mind to yours. I propose not to

compromise the work by translating the work into a coded system of characters. The

work does not fit that pattern. I propose that to propose would not be indicative but

merely suggestive. Now I don’t want to give you any ideas, I’m not that kind of girl. I

propose that to explain the work would oppress your very

own creative genius and would render you biased in your viewing of the work. I propose

not to divulge my innermost ideas and feelings. Instead I propose that the work will

explain itself to you upon your direct experience of the piece. I propose that in viewing

the piece your reading of it will be absolutely correct. I propose that in viewing the piece

you will find that I have done exactly what you expected of me by not doing exactly what

you expected. I don’t want to propose to you it’s too soon I’m not ready for that shit.

I propose not to propose.